Halfway Bush Primary School
Te Kura Tuatahi o Taputakinoi
“Quality Education meeting the needs of all children.”

Have you thought about stepping forward and becoming a trustee? We invite you to share your skills and experiences to help shape a positive future for your child and all Halfway Bush School students.
The School is governed by a Board of Trustees which consists of 4 Parent Representatives, a Staff Representative and the School Principal. The Board meet twice a term in the staffroom. Meetings begin at 6.30pm in the evening. Parents and members of the community are welcome to attend.
Meeting dates for 2020 are:
Monday 15th February
Tuesday 22nd March
Tuesday 9th May
Tuesday 26th June
Tuesday 25th August
Tuesday 26th September
Tuesday 28th October
Tuesday 30th November
A dedicated team contributes with supportive staff to develop a clear strategic direction, underpinned in recent years by the creation and development of a strong vision. The school vision: “Quality education meeting the needs of all children.” is the reference point for everything we do at Board level and through the school and forms the basis for our annual and long term strategic plans.
Meet the Board
Principal: Brian Filipo
Chair: Stephen Charles
Stephen Charles,Carol Fitzgerald, Tony Rac, Jason Whitehead, Kalani Malae.
You are welcome to attend the Board of Trustees Meeting.
Meeting Room - Library
Please feel free to contact the BOT by email: Stephen Charles stephenlc01@gmail.com
Here are some of the things we do
Work with the principal and consult with staff, students and the community.
Set the educational goals and strategic direction of the school.
Monitor progress and let parents know how the school is progressing against its annual targets and how well students are achieving.
Decide how the school’s funding will be spent.
Select the school’s principal and support the development of all staff.
Oversee the management of staff, property, finances, curriculum and administration.
The Role of the Board
Boards of trustees are Crown entities and are responsible for the governance of schools. Our role, as trustees, is to make sure that Halfway Bush School is run in the best interests of our students and our community.
Ensure the school has a clear sense of purpose by establishing its strategic objectives, documenting these objectives in a school charter, and monitoring progress in achieving these objectives
Set priorities and goals for improvement of learning and achievement in the school
Seek assurance from the management (principal and staff) that the programmes being implemented in the school can achieve the goals
Monitor the school’s performance against student achievement outcomes
Seek assurance from the school's management that the school's resources are being used optimally to deliver the agreed outcomes, ensuring, for example, that resources are available to ensure the knowledge and skills of the teachers are up to date
Be accountable for the exercise of decision-making rights
To find out more about the role school boards: http://www.minedu.govt.nz/Boards.aspx
Also see Requirements for Boards and The New Zealand Curriculum Overview.
We need to assure the government that:
The students at HWB school are receiving a high quality standard of education
National priorities for school education are being addressed in the school
The resources are being used prudently to ensure the highest possible quality programmes are provided for students.
The BOT now consists of Stephen Charles (Chair), Brian Filipo (Principal), Tony Rac ,Carol Fitzgerald, Kalani Malae, Jason Whitehead,(all parent elected representatives) The staff elected trustee is still to be confirmed.