Halfway Bush Primary School
Te Kura Tuatahi o Taputakinoi
“Quality Education meeting the needs of all children.”

Halfway Bush Primary School provides all the benefits of a small country school but is located within the city limits. The school was established in 1955 and has provided quality education for the children in the local area since that time.
Our buildings are set amongst 1.6 hectares of landscaped grounds and playing fields, with an extensive adventure playground. The main block consists of 7 classrooms including a library, learning support suite, computer lab, music room, and administration area. Within the grounds there is a Kohanga Reo, a Playgroup facility, and a Community Hall which is managed by the school. Small class sizes and an open door policy ensure a welcoming and family orientated environment.
Halfway Bush Primary is a co-educational school with 60 pupils in the hilltop suburb of Dunedin. We are a decile 3 school with 4 teaching and 5 support staff. The school is organised into 3 composite classes comprising Year 0-2, Year 3-4 and Year 5-6. HWB School provides a positive caring an inclusive environment for students of all ages. ‘Teachers and students get to know each other well.’
We offer a wide range of innovative programmes such as our hands-on “discovery time”, swimming lessons, lunchtime music sessions and hip-hop to ensure that all children are well supported in their learning. ‘Students of all ages engage in many practical and enjoyable learning experiences’
We have a dedicated PTA Committee providing a variety of fundraising initiatives to support our school.
'Children experience a calm, positive and caring culture. This provides them with an effective environment for learning. Leaders and teachers communicate and model high and clear expectations for respectful behaviour. Consequently the school’s values of respect/whakaute, honesty/pono and responsibility/kawenga are evident across the school'. E.R.O 2018
Call our principal Brian Filipo today to make a time to come and see us:
Phone 02102280938 or 03-4763207
Web: www.hwb.school.nz
email: principal@hwb.school.nz
Halfway Bush provides all the benefits of a small country school but is located within the city limits. Small class sizes and an open door policy ensure a welcoming and family orientated environment.
The School is governed by a Board of Trustees which consists of four parent representatives, a staff Representative and the School Principal. The Board meet twice a term in the staffroom. Meetings begin at 6.00pm in the evening. Parents and members of the community are welcome to attend.